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Toyota Mirai tested by European Parliament

  • European Parliament’s fleet supplemented with a Toyota Mirai Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle from March 2 to March 16
  • Testing around Brussels area, but also between Brussels and Strasbourg
  • Aiming to further promote hydrogen technologies on European markets

To further promote hydrogen technologies in European markets, a Toyota Mirai has been added to the European Parliament’s fleet for testing purposes from March 2nd to March 16th. Members of the European Parliament (MEP) will have the opportunity to be driven around in the Mirai in the Brussels area. Additionally, the Toyota hydrogen fuel cell car will be tested when MEP’s travel between Brussels and Strasbourg. By testing the Toyota Mirai, the European Parliament wants to support its call for zero-emission vehicles and respective alternative refuelling infrastructure.

The interest in hydrogen is recently increasing as it becomes more evident that it has the potential to significantly contribute to CO2 reduction in the transport and other sectors where pure electrification has its limits. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles are relevant for intense usage and long-distance drives as required by the EU Parliament, emitting nothing but water. The car will be fuelled at Air Liquid’s Hydrogen Station that was built on the grounds of Toyota’s Technical Centre in Zaventem and it will utilise the hydrogen station network of H2Mobility Germany when driving to Strasbourg.

“It is of high importance to us that this technology can be experienced by as many people as possible. Therefore, we are proud to add a Toyota Mirai to the fleet of the European Parliament” said Didier Stevens, Toyota Motor Europe Senior Manager European and Governmental Affairs

Project Partners

Clean Hydrogen Partnership EU

This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (now Clean Hydrogen Partnership) under Grant Agreement No 779538. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.